About this Blog

I spent the last year blogging HERE about what has gone WRONG in politics and society, with the hope of waking people up and mobilize to really change things for the better. Since that didn't work, I have decided to spend this year blogging about what has gone RIGHT in the world, in hopes of inspiring more of the same.

Friday, March 14, 2014


The men and women in the military have put their lives on the line in order to protect our nation as well as the principles of liberty and freedom it holds dear.

At the very least we owe the military a debt of gratitude, honor, and respect.

However, our sense of responsibility ought to compel us as a nation to also take care of military, particularly those injured in the line of duty.

Since there isn't adequate assistance coming from the government that employed and directed the military into war, it is pleasing to learn that private citizens have stepped up to fill the gap. Figuring large in this way is the Wounded Warrior Project, which has already done an amazing amount of good for our soldiers. Gratefully, there are a number of people who care enough to sacrifice financially for those who have sacrificed limbs and life. Here is a heartfelt salute to them both.

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