About this Blog

I spent the last year blogging HERE about what has gone WRONG in politics and society, with the hope of waking people up and mobilize to really change things for the better. Since that didn't work, I have decided to spend this year blogging about what has gone RIGHT in the world, in hopes of inspiring more of the same.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


My long-time friend, Doc Taylor, put on a wonderful concert along with two of his music buddies. The entire evening was a delight, including a potluck dinner, a broad range of music, and a couple of sing-a-longs.  It is so nice when people like Doc freely share and magnify their talents and make our day.

Here is a poster advertising the concert:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Wade. My two colleagues and I had a great time.
    The sort of wit in the songs, and this sort of event, are more rare in these parlous times.
