About this Blog

I spent the last year blogging HERE about what has gone WRONG in politics and society, with the hope of waking people up and mobilize to really change things for the better. Since that didn't work, I have decided to spend this year blogging about what has gone RIGHT in the world, in hopes of inspiring more of the same.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


According to the National Institute of Health (NIH): "Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year." (See HERE)

And, while some regions may have higher incidences than others, few if any families or close relations remain untouched by the harrowing effects of mental and emotional challenges.

Even though there is an abundance of trained professional at the ready to deal with psychological problems, their services are often cost-prohibitive and not always successful and tend to treat individuals without factoring in contributing environments and support systems.

Filling in this gap is the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), Here is how they briefly describe their efforts: "As the navigator of our nine signature education programs, offered in thousands of communities across America through our NAMI State Organizations NAMI Affiliates, we ensure hundreds of thousands of families, individuals and educators are served. NAMI is tireless in our efforts to equip and train grassroots volunteer facilitators who provide individual and family support groups in thousands of communities across America. Through the toll-free NAMI HelpLine, we respond personally to hundreds of thousands of requests each year, providing free referral, information and support—a much-needed lifeline for many." (See HERE)

Their facebook page is available HERE.

Kudos to this organization for doing so much good in the world.

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