About this Blog

I spent the last year blogging HERE about what has gone WRONG in politics and society, with the hope of waking people up and mobilize to really change things for the better. Since that didn't work, I have decided to spend this year blogging about what has gone RIGHT in the world, in hopes of inspiring more of the same.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


I don't know if it is a design flaw or not, but for whatever reason, Mother Nature decided to pump teenage boys full of hormones and energy and brawn, while failing to properly equip them with comparable amounts of intelligence and maturity and frontal lobes, thus creating a recipe for disaster.

To make matters worse, Pop Culture has taken these volatile human cocktails and placed them behind the wheels of speedy death machines, held them captive for 6 to 7 hours each week day in close proximity to the objects of their new-found crazed sexual interest, filled them fast and full of junk food, given them access to alcohol and drugs, armed them with technology that bombards them incessantly with crushing pressure to indulge their base inclinations, while also removing many impeding social stigmas and barriers to life-destroying decisions.

Is it any wonder, then, that alarming teens statistics are on the rise? (See HERE)

The good news is, that in addition to the blessed doom-minimizing factors of teen shyness and pimples, there is a dedicated service that adeptly guides boys in their treacherous climb towards manhood.

Few youth organization have been as instrumental as the Boy Scouts of America  in effectively assisting in re-balancing the somewhat warped natural character of teen boys and countering the destructive force of popular culture.

For more than 100 years, and under the charge of the BSA, tens of millions of male youth have been gifted with elevating values like honesty, dedication, respect, honor, and duty, and they have honed life skills like citizenship, lifesaving, first aid, communication, environmentalism, etc., not to mention compiled a treasure trove of outdoor memories.

Granted, the BSA has recently been the target of harsh criticism and negative publicity, but this is to be expected when efforts for good on the part of the BSA clash with the forces of ill and destruction of pop culture.

The grace with which the BSA has handled the public disagreement is a testament to its principles leadership, and deserving of attention for all the good it does in the world.

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